General Information

Any individual needing access to the Wisconsin State Records Center Inventory website for the first time will need to contact their agency records officer. They, in turn, will notify the State Records Center, authorizing you to obtain a username and Password. You will be notified once that has been completed. The User ID you are assigned is unique to you and should not be provided to anyone else. You will be responsible for anything done using your unique User ID.

For instructions on how to submit new inventory, click here

For instructions on how to search and request inventory, click here

For questions regarding State Records Center (SRC) operations, SRC forms, SRC rates, approved storage cartons/boxes, and records destruction options, go to the SRC website.

Only SRC approved cartons/boxes can be used for records storage. We will not accept any other cartons/boxes for storage at the SRC.

To order approved storage cartons/boxes review the Fact Sheet "Records Center Storage Boxes - How to Order".

Special Announcements

Zasio, the software provider of Versatile, is moving its customers from version 8.3 to 8.7. The update is scheduled for August 25, 2022. Users will have the ability to update requests prior to submission, the functionality of Versatile will remain the same. For instruction on how to use the updated features, click here.

If you have any questions on this site, or the features please contact us at 608/266-2995.

© Copyright 2020 Zasio Enterprises, Inc.